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Alix Brown is the 1st Name Regret Coach and the author of the First Name Regret Guidebook.
Over the last 10+ years she has helped thousands of women find peace in their naming process. As an author, mentor, and a mother herself, Alix spends her time working to uplift and empower mothers.
The PROCESS Of NAMING should lead you into clarity, not confusion. It becomes a bucket that either NOURISHES THE FAMILY VISION or drowns you in a TOXIC THOUGHT CYCLE. If you think this process won't affect your MENTAL HEALTH and that you're alone in this feeling of going crazy,
its time to think again.
Thank you mama! I'll never forget you being so kind to help me with such an important part of my baby girl's life!!!!
- Ainslee
She is super talented and can
keep a secret!
- Amy
The best part about talking names with Alix when I’m pregnant is the way she encourages me to choose the name that’s in my heart.
Alix helps quiet the whirling worries of “but does it sound okay with my last name?”, and “but some people think it sounds like...” and “but is it too strange/popular/long”, etc. She doesn’t dismiss these ques
The best part about talking names with Alix when I’m pregnant is the way she encourages me to choose the name that’s in my heart.
Alix helps quiet the whirling worries of “but does it sound okay with my last name?”, and “but some people think it sounds like...” and “but is it too strange/popular/long”, etc. She doesn’t dismiss these questions because she knows it’s all part of the process, but she also knows these are all secondary to the *feeling* the right name will conjure up. She doesn’t supply opinions as much
as she supplies confidence - the confidence to choose the name I truly want to be shouting in supermarkets, whispering in “I love yous” and handwriting in birthday cards. Thank you for the lists of suggestions, the hours of back and forth, and for being as invested in my unborn babies’ names as I was!
- Stephanie
Alix was amazing to work with and gave me ideas I hadn't thought of. I was choosing a new name for myself and she got to know me and cared about my journey!
- Kate